Discovering the Learning Process

My background is in secondary school education. After my daughter was born in 2006 I became fascinated with how young children learn. Her early exploration with objects including watching, touching and putting everything in her mouth. Through these explorations she learned how to crawl, walk, and talk. Her process of learning has led to my own discoveries in learning - how other learn and how I learn. This blog is a way to share and work through my discoveries about learning.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Learning about the moon

Two days ago, New Years Day, the moon was out in the afternoon and Ella noticed that it was a half moon. She then asked, "is it growing up or growing down?" As a former science teacher, this just melted my heart. What a fabulous question!!!! These type of questions from kids should be driving our science curriculum!!! After all this went through my head, I calmly said, "I don't know, but we should keep our eye on it and figure it out."

Today I noticed the moon was out when I was picking Ella up from school. I showed it to her and asked if she thought it was "growing up or growing down"? She said, "growing up". Then she suggested we go home and make a list, with pictures and look at the moon every day at the same time.

My dear Watson, I think we have our first science experiment that Ella has designed. To be continued...

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